#46 Sweating the small stuff
The biggest news I heard this week was that 80% of the past year’s PFRA breaches were simply due to easy to fix poor field management....
#45 Keep your coins, I want change
With every conversation I have with agency CEOs and senior managers I will, at some point, stumble over the mention that face-to-face...
#44 Asimov’s Three Laws of Fundraising
As a fan of the sci-fi genre, knowledge of the screening of Westworld season two has not passed by unnoticed. The show hangs on the...
#43 Is your proposition poignant or perplexing?
The world’s greatest propositions have a few things in commons. They are simple to understand, easy to communicate, have one ask, and...
#42 “We run ads”
Despite the image, this week’s article isn’t going to suggest that our face-to-face fundraisers wear formula one style outfits garnished...
#41 She has the scars, but she will continue to fight
A silence seeps through the room, only to be pierced by a deliberate but anxious exhale from Rebecca as she tries to regain her calm and...
#39 “It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission”
U.S. Rear Admiral Grace Hopper’s famous quote is one that many face-to-face agencies subscribe to: “It is easier to ask forgiveness than...
#34 The hidden costs of F2F
A comment from my last post prompted me to discuss further the real cost of face-to-face fundraising. By this, I don’t mean the potential...
#32 Seven deadly sins - Why your F2F campaign is failing
Fundraising managers from both sides of the agency/in-house fence can often be found with their head in their hands staring at a sheet of...
#31 They want how much upfront? For what?!
Today’s post is in response to a request for information from a former colleague. Yes, she has found a way to get the answers without...